
Monday, June 3, 2013


Stacher makes her own power bars, which she says make a great pre-workout snack. (She’s in the process of patenting her recipe, so we can’t divulge all the yummy details just yet—but stay tuned.) You can get a good mix of carbs and protein from many store-bought bars, too. “They’re portable, so they’re great for on-the-go workouts,” says Tzakas-Everett, who adds that bars with a high carb content (like PowerBar Energy bars) are good fuel choices immediately before your sweat sesh.

THE FUEL: Breakfast Burritos
A well-balanced breakfast (think: a mix of carbs, healthy fat, and lean protein) is super important, even if you don’t plan to hit the gym until later in the day, says Tzakas-Everett. It supplies nutrients that will sustain energy levels throughout the day, helps you to avoid overeating later, and maintains lean muscle. That’s why Stacher’s healthy version of a breakfast burrito (which includes eggs, quinoa, kale, avocado, hummus, and goat cheese) is a good choice. “You can eat it on the go, it’s a great mix of essential nutrients, and it tastes great,” Stacher says.

THE FUEL: “Ninja” Smoothies
“I like to mix three fruits into what I call a ‘ninja’ smoothie,” says Stacher. “I look for nutritious, refreshing ingredients that don’t break the bank, like pears, bananas, and kiwi,” she says. Add Greek yogurt, nuts, oats, or flax seeds for an extra boost—but be careful not to go overboard on the fiber-rich foods if you’re planning to work out sooner rather than later—they take longer to digest and can make you gassy, says Tzakas-Everett.

THE FUEL: Rice cake sandwich with cream cheese and honey or jam
This is a great source of energy if you’re planning a short workout first thing in the morning, says Tzakas-Everett. But if your workout is slated for later in the day—or you’re planning a long, intense sweat session—stick to something higher in carbs and protein (like the above options) since this one won’t provide sustained energy. Your body will digest the sugar rapidly—great for a quick boost, not so much for lasting energy or satiety.

(article provided by Women's health magazine)

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